
Re-enable silent hunter 5 tutorial mission
Re-enable silent hunter 5 tutorial mission

Night deck gun attacks look really, really nice with the new engine. I sunk a small merchant with the deck gun, or my gun crew sunk it, and that was cool. I haven't been depth charged yet, I picked up a warship and a couple merchants last night before I went to bed so maybe I can find out about that.

re-enable silent hunter 5 tutorial mission

This has been a problem forever but shouldn't sub commanders be issued charts with some depth soundings? Some of the key commands for these can be modded back in and I set them up last night but it takes away from the captain feel and returns to the hotkey feel of the old games. Those are just some I can think of off the top of my head. No depth under keel, No return to course, No unman deck/flak guns, no targeting orders for the deck gun crew, No report nearest sound contact, no follow nearest sound contact. Please give us back visual control of exact course and rudder. I can issue movement orders with the new minimap thing but I like having the compass for precise control of my course when tracking distant targets via hydrophone. I have everything maxed except AA and shadows and it runs very smooth except in port.īuggy like Florida in August, The biggest problem for me is morale reverting to nothing when loading a saved game but there are plenty of others and it's already been patched once. E6850, 4 gigs ram not all used by Vista 32, GTX 280, onboard sound. I do wish some missing controls would return, mostly the spread angle control. I like the new nav map and I like the new periscope view with the handy attack map and unobtrusive controls. The interface may appear "arcadey" to some but in combat situations it does a very good job of relaying most of the important information at a glance, overall I like it better than the old dials in hairy situations but the dials have some precision the new interface doesn't have (see compass comment in Nays) In this I feel more like the captain giving orders (except when those orders are missing) In the old games I always was Captain, XO, Weapons Officer, Bosun, Sound Man, Radio Man, etc. I like the "you're the captain of the boat" thing they went for. The immersion level in those moments is great. Running down the ladders, calling for periscope depth on my way to the attack scope or hydrophone station is so much cooler than just tapping a few F keys.

re-enable silent hunter 5 tutorial mission

Lighting, shadows, water, weather, land, everything is improved, often drastically.īeing able to walk around in the sub is great. Graphics are fantastic, well surpassing the previous entries in the series. Here's a quick rundown of my personal yays and nays so far. I got an installed SH5 yesterday and managed to get through the tutorial patrol and get out on my first patrol and over to the English east coast.

Re-enable silent hunter 5 tutorial mission